Wellbeing Bundle

A wellbeing bundle of digital products that brings
wellness to you every day.

Get 4 products in one special offer!

The Self-Care E-Book – because the most important person in your life is you!
The Practical Guide to Wellness – understand the multiple levels of wellness.
Learn Proper Breathing-Mp3 Guided Practice – as breathing gives us life!
Audio Relaxation Practice – experience deep relaxation at the end of your day.

Original price was: 29,98 €.Current price is: 18,50 €.

- Wellness Naturale

15 wellness practices for a
healthier, happier & stronger You! 

This e-book reminds you that You are the most important person of your Life! It is so important to take care of yourself first before anyone else to be able to serve others.
Self-Care is not a complicated process rather than a daily short time routine.
Here you will find 15 practices to choose the one or more suitable for you.

Value – 9.99

This e-book explains in detail everything you would like to know about wellness!

– What exactly is Wellness?
– How can you bring Wellness into your life?
– What techniques can you incorporate into your daily life today to bring an immediate difference in your levels of well-being?
– Which practice can you begin to experience wellness?

Value – 9.99

Transform your breath and experience wellbeing!

Proper breathing helps us to maintain our health. Correct breathing supply us with strength & endurance while keeping us relaxed & flexible.

This audio guided practice will show you in just 20 minutes how to activate proper breathing
so that you experience daily well-being.
Give rhythm to your breath and change the rhythm of your whole life!

Value – from 5.00

This 21 minutes practice releases the tension from your entire system.

Be your own therapist and acknowledge your inner beauty. Connect with yourself and find your own state of being.
Release whatever is holding you down or has a negative impact in your life!
When we let go, we create the space for whatever we crave to enter our lives…

Value – from 5.00

Total value of products: €29.98
Value if you get the bundle today: €18.50

The Wellbeing Bundle is for you, if you :


  • look for more natural ways to take care of yourself.
  • feel tense and experience severe anxiety daily.
  • are interested in your holistic well-being, well-being in body, mind, emotions.
  • want to create a healthy relationship with yourself
  • are looking to find a right way to relax
  • are searching for immediate discharge and release of stress
  • The pace of your life is breakneck
  • experience fluctuations in your energy levels throughout the day.
*** If you experience panic attacks or have experienced a solid traumatic shock or events, this bundle is not suitable for you. Also, if you suffer from any heart, respiratory condition, or disease or have recently undergone surgery, ask for the advice and approval of your doctor!

If you are interested in the following products,
then get this package now!

In the Wellbeing Bundle you get all four products with a 35% discount


Get the Well-being bundle today
& take advantage of this special offer 

Original price was: 29,98 €.Current price is: 18,50 €.

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